Sistem Operasi Linux Terkecil dan mempunyai tampilan grafis yang Indah
Linux jenis Varian ini adalah jenis Linux Puppy yang Berkapasitas kecil ... Berikut ini Screen Shoot nya
Linux jenis sama mempunyai System Requiments yang rendah seperti berikut
Puppy has been tested on a very old machines but the best results for the standard release of Puppy Linux to run at a reasonable pace have been achieved with the following:
If you have lesser machines that run Puppy share your experience by adding them to the comments below.
Jika anda Berniat Untuk Mendownload Sistem Operasi ini Silah kan Klik Link ini
Linux jenis sama mempunyai System Requiments yang rendah seperti berikut
Puppy has been tested on a very old machines but the best results for the standard release of Puppy Linux to run at a reasonable pace have been achieved with the following:
- CPU : Pentium 166MMX
- RAM : 128 MB physical RAM for releases since version 1.0.2 or failing that a Linux swap file and/or swap partition is required for all included applications to run; 64 MB for releases previous to 1.0.2
- Hard Drive : Optional
- CDROM : 20x and up
If you have lesser machines that run Puppy share your experience by adding them to the comments below.
Jika anda Berniat Untuk Mendownload Sistem Operasi ini Silah kan Klik Link ini